Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Terrorism in Hospitality Industry Essays

Terrorism in Hospitality Industry Essays Terrorism in Hospitality Industry Essay Terrorism in Hospitality Industry Essay â€Å"Don’t turn the war on terrorism into the war on tourism† (Zemsky, 2005) The term terrorism has evolved in its meaning since it was first introduced in 1790s during the violent period following the French Revolution, to what it is now as the acts of violence or brutality intended to gain political, religious or ideological objective through intimidation and instillation of fear in the targeted population (Jenkins, 2003; Enders and Sandler, 2002). In hospitality industry, concern regarding terrorism has been noticed since the mid-1980s, as cases of terrorism in tourism related sectors increased dramatically from 206 in 1972 to 3,010 in 1985 (d’Amore and Anunza, 1986). Since then, security is seen as crucial (Pizam and Mansfeld, 1996) and is increasingly intensified especially after the tragic events on September 11, 2001 (Cohen, 2002). Terrorism in hospitality industry is continuously happening. Post the 9/11 era, there have been many significant terrorism incidents targeting hotels worldwide (Guardian, 2009). Hospitality leaders need to be able to take proactive actions to minimize occurrence possibilities. However, managing security in hospitality industry is a little more complex when compared with other industries, and therefore required a different approach. This essay aims to critically analyze the unique challenges faced by hospitality industry in managing its security. Three main issues will be discussed thoroughly and some related examples will be presented as supporting explanations. Then, it will be followed by relevant recommendations regarding actions to be taken by the leaders in the hospitality industry. Complexity of managing security in hospitality industry is primarily due to the nature of the industry itself. Hospitality is a business that revolves around offering friendly, welcoming, and generous treatment to its customers. Hotels in particular, emphasize a â€Å"home-from-home† concept that encourages guests to use facilities as if they were their own in order to make them feel as welcomed, comfortable, convenient and relaxed as possible (Ulph, 1996). It strives for making guests feel as if they were in their home on the one hand, while on the other hand needs to secure it against any possible criminal threats. As mentioned by Todd Brown, the executive director of United States Overseas Security Advisory Council, hospitality industry faces a contradictory problem in term that â€Å"they’re inviting people in and they want to be hospitable, but some are also operating in an environment that is real threatening, especially with terrorism† (Yu, 2008). While other businesses are able to opt for overt security practices, stringent security practices are often considered unacceptable in hospitality industry as guests wish to experience discreet high personalized service (Gill et al. 2002). Several London’s top hotels security managers stated that if not impossible, it is extremely difficult to ensure maximum security in line with maintaining high hospitality standards. Its unique context requires a compromise balance so that hospitable image can still be portrayed and terrorism threats can be prevented, avoiding damage caused by either service deterioration or severe terroris m impacts (Groenenboom and Jones, 2003). Even though there is no international standard, in most cases except for those located in high risk locations such as Israel, to be extremely overt by having uniformed security guard at every door may frighten guests. From the positive side, it does going to enhance protection for the guests, staffs and properties; however it is also going to promote the feeling as if they were in unsafe environment instead and discourage them from wanting to be there. One of international security and policing advisory companies stresses the point that good security practice should not be intrusive. Hospitality leaders should be able to provide discreet, professional and effective security; which is enough to deter threats and at the same time provide a sense of security for the guests (Capital Eye, 2011). One of the very good examples that represent an effective security approach that meets both requirements to be hospitable and safe is shown by several five and seven-star hotels in New Delhi. As host of XIX Commonwealth Games 2011, they not only implemented sophisticated technology but also hired detectives to keep an eye on their guests as part of heightened security measures during the Games to prevent terrorist attack (TNN, 2010). While the detectives were instructed to keep a close watch on the guests and their visitors, to observe their movement and report any suspicious activities, they were also instructed to be discreet and remain unnoticed. However, regardless of the super-tight security, guests should not feel disturbed or even feel that they are being watched. This shows that even though it is difficult to find the balance between hospitality versus security, some innovative approaches are available out there and the implementation will be truly favorable for the business. Next issue to be discussed is the vulnerability of hospitality industry which makes it an easy target for terrorists. The physical environment of the industry, for example in hotels, complicates the way security needs to be managed. As mentioned earlier they emphasize on â€Å"home-from-home† concept, and thus are built with aesthetics and comfort, not security and safety in mind (Goslin, 2008). As a public place with multiple entrances and exits as well as numerous arrivals and departures; everyone, including terrorists, can basically come in and walk around for 24/7 without really being noticed. Loading docks, garages, delivery vehicles, and luggage storage areas all present risks of their own (Cetron, 2004). In addition, the infrastructures also somewhat represent different vulnerabilities. HVAC and water supply systems, electric power and telecommunication services; all are exposed to danger (Homeland Security, 2004). Some researchers (Gill et al. 2002; Groenenboom and Jones, 2003) illustrate a hotel with all facilities that it offers, such as restaurants and bars, shops, leisure centers, nightclubs and so on, as a small city center. Therefore, various crimes that usually happen in the streets may also possibly happen in the hotel. Among all, restaurants face special risks that just a little inadvertence may provide an opportunity for terrorists to easily contaminate the food with bacteria, toxic chemicals or even radioactive materials (Cetron, 2004). It must be remembered that there are different modes of terrorist attacks. From his analysis regarding the logistical burden of each different attack mode, Baxter (2003) showed that the impact of successful biological attack, for example anthrax bacteria, can be many times larger than the impact of conventional bomb attack (Appendix). Even though the impacts can only be seen after some time if compared with immediate damage caused by bombs, it is still equally if not more devastating (Cetron, 2004). Most hotels currently are stuck with the â€Å"Maginot Line† syndrome in managing security in their properties. Security is ineffectively designed solely based on the existing gaps from previous attack to prevent it from reoccurring rather than based on foreseen future attacks, ignoring the fact that terrorists are consistently able to come up with new strategies to overcome the security countermeasures in place (Goslin, 2008). Exact example can be seen from Marriott Jakarta. After its entrance was being hit by suicide bombing in 2003, security guards started to vigorously search every coming guest for bombs and weapons at every lobby entrance. However, the staff entrance is completely forgotten until it was used by the hotel’s florist to smuggle in the bombs in 2009 (Jerard, Astuti and Feisal, 2009). As summarized by Cetron (2004), there are just too many access points which offer opportunities for attack. Vulnerability characteristics of hospitality industry often make it seen as soft-target for terrorist attack. Therefore, although chance of terrorist attack from happening is considered low (Mitroff, 2005), security is still necessary to be managed. Hospitality leaders may take some actions through implementation of new procedures such as luggage scanning upon arrival, metal detectors at entrances, forbidding long-term luggage storage or randomly requesting guests’ identification (Brady, 2009). Besides, from the Marriott Jakarta bombing in 2009, hospitality leaders should also learn that to know their own people well, such as through background check before hiring, and to use suppliers that also know their people will help to overcome the vulnerable characteristics of the industry. Lastly, it is extremely challenging to manage security in hospitality industry as it appears not only as soft-target, due to the hospitable and vulnerable characteristics as previously discussed; but also as tempting-target for terrorism attacks (Pizam, 2009). Hospitality industry organizations, especially the international chain ones are often regarded as representing the western ideologies that current terrorists are mostly fighting against. Because government establishments as the main targets have continuously improved their security defenses and become harder to be attacked; hotels are therefore chosen as secondary targets to represent attacks toward the respective governments (Richter and Waugh, 1986; Stratfor, 2005). For example, in November 2002, three suicide bombers detonated a bomb in Israeli-owned Paradise Hotel’s lobby which is located in Mombasa, Kenya, to show its opposition against Israel government (Daily Mail, 2002). And in August 2003, Canal Hotel in Baghdad, Iraq was also bombed because the hotel had been used by United Nations as its headquarters (UN, 2004). Not only international chain hotels, international guests are also frequently targeted as they symbolize wealth, freedom of choice or independence that is associated with western (Richter and Waugh, 1986). The terrorism impacts involving international guests as the victims is considered to provide guaranteed extensive international media coverage, which therefore allow terrorists to widely spread their messages and making them heard loud, clear and fast in the most effective manner (Sonmez, Apostolopoulos and Tarlow, 1999; Pizam 2009). Moreover, in September 2008, Marriott Hotel in Islamabad, Pakistan was bombed when the entire Pakistan’s leaders, including president, prime minister and armed service chiefs, were rumored to have been scheduled for dinner over there (BBC, 2008). This shows that actually the hotel was just served as the third-party in the overall plan. As it is common for a hotel to host various events or conferences that may involve highly influential people or political figures as participant, which may be the target of terrorists, indirectly the hotel itself also faces the threat of danger. This latter issue is more likely beyond the control of the hospitality industry leaders. However, the fact that terrorist attacks do not usually occur at locally owned hotels that cater to domestic tourists (Pizam, 2009) exemplifies that hospitality leaders in international chain hotels may try to find strategies for their hotels to blend in with the local communities and create mix between domestic and international guests. In conclusion, all the issues discussed above; the difficulties in finding the balance between hospitality and security, the vulnerable characteristics, and its association with western ideologies which makes it appears as tempting-target for terrorism attacks; have led to certain complexity of security management in hospitality industry if compared with any other industries. Current and future hospitality leaders are required to have the abilities to cope with these issues as it has been widely agreed that for terrorists to strike is no longer a question of â€Å"if†, but rather a question of â€Å"when†, â€Å"how† and â€Å"how prepared† the hotel is to deal with it (Mitroff, 2005). Recent terrorist attacks on hotels worldwide (Guardian, 2009) have increasingly raised guests’ awareness regarding the importance of proper security management to be put in place. Security is becoming a major issue that affects guests’ decision when planning a hotel stay (Sonmez and Graefe, 1998a). Not only that, even for some hotels, security enhancement by having high-level security measures is now regarded as an important selling point (Caterer and Hotelkeeper, 2006). Therefore, a more proactive approach in managing security is extremely required (Ritchie, 2004). In addition to high technology investment like what Dorchester Hotel in London just recently did through the installation of new IP video surveillance management software (Milestone, 2009), employees also need to be trained to fully enhance the overall security measures quality. Employees must be the key focused elements that must be taken care of as in fact they are the ones behind all of the implemented systems and technologies, the ones who have the eyes and ears to recognize any suspicious activities. At last, having emotional intelligence, the ability to perceive, identify, and manage own emotions; as well as to understand others and having the knowledge or skills to manage relationship with others (Serrat, 2009); will help hospitality leaders to be able to do it all, to overcome all challenges and continuously come up with effective security plans and strategies, to make decisions and put them into real actions throughout daily operations, as well as to train the employees, that will result in superior level of security as a whole. ? List of References Baxter, P. 2003. â€Å"Can Terrorists Achieve CBRN Capability in 2004† in Managing Terrorism Risk. Newark, CA: Risk Management Solutions. BBC. 2008. Marriott ‘escape’ report denied [online]. Available at: . [Last accessed on 02. 11. 2011]. Brady, S. 2009. Wake-up call: Lessons learned from Mumbai [online]. Available at: . [Last accessed on 01. 11. 2011]. Capital Eye. 2011. Hotel Security Protecting Everybody’s Interests [online]. 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Vol. 14 Iss. 2, pp. 58-64. Goleman, D. 1996. Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can M atter More than IQ. London: Bloomsbury Publishing. Goslin, C. 2008. White Paper – Hotel Security [online]. Available at: . [Last accessed on 31. 10. 2011]. Groenenboom, K. and Jones, P. 2003. Issues of security in hotels, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. Vol. 15 Iss. 1, pp. 14-19. Guardian. 2009. Timeline: Hotel bomb attacks [online]. Available at: . [Last accessed on 30. 10. 2011]. Homeland Security. 2004. Characteristics and Common Vulnerabilities Infrastructure Category: Hotels [online]. Available at: . [Last accessed on 31. 10. 2011]. Jenkins, P. 2003. Images of Terror: What We Can and Cant Know about Terrorism. New York: Aldine de Gruyter. Jerard, J. Astuti, F and Feisal, M. 2009. â€Å"Bombing of JW Marriott and Ritz Carlton Jakarta†, International Centre for Political Violence and Terrorism Research [online]. Available at: . [Last accessed on 01. 11. 2011]. 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Saturday, November 23, 2019

Free Essays on The White Mans Infuluence on the Indian Lifestyle

The Indian lifestyle was undoubtedly influenced and almost controlled by white men after the founding of the New World. White Men over powered Indian tribes and pushed them out of their sacred homeland in order for them to establish a new land of opportunity. The expansion of white settlements not only pushed Indians out of their original homes, the expansion continued to the extent that it created a downward spiral of Indian culture. This downward spiral was also affected by the white men’s desire to philosophically change the religious ideas of the Indians. Initially, expansion and American outlooks caused great conflict in the interactions of white men and Indians due to both sides uncanny inability to see the other side of an issue. Both the Black Robe and Tecumseh portrayed the vast differences of ideals and culture between the Euro-Americans and Indians and how it related to their ability to interact. Much of the conflict with the white men in Tecumseh was related to home land, hunting land, and trade issues. As Indians accepted the fact that America was now becoming an established nation, they did not accept the fact that white settlers were beginning to move into their designated areas. The Indians gave ground and backed off in order not to cause a disturbance, but were continually pushed out of the lands promised to them by the American government. The pollution of white people on their land caused more than just a stir over home lands; it also affected the quality of hunting on the Indians land. With more people on and around the land, there were more people to feed; naturally the Indian’s land was over hunted causing a major problem, especially for the Indians ability to provide food for their families. This especially infuriated the Indian’s because the white men were not supposed to be hunting on their given property. Finally, much of the reason for Euro- American and Indian interaction was due to the great ... Free Essays on The White Mans Infuluence on the Indian Lifestyle Free Essays on The White Mans Infuluence on the Indian Lifestyle The Indian lifestyle was undoubtedly influenced and almost controlled by white men after the founding of the New World. White Men over powered Indian tribes and pushed them out of their sacred homeland in order for them to establish a new land of opportunity. The expansion of white settlements not only pushed Indians out of their original homes, the expansion continued to the extent that it created a downward spiral of Indian culture. This downward spiral was also affected by the white men’s desire to philosophically change the religious ideas of the Indians. Initially, expansion and American outlooks caused great conflict in the interactions of white men and Indians due to both sides uncanny inability to see the other side of an issue. Both the Black Robe and Tecumseh portrayed the vast differences of ideals and culture between the Euro-Americans and Indians and how it related to their ability to interact. Much of the conflict with the white men in Tecumseh was related to home land, hunting land, and trade issues. As Indians accepted the fact that America was now becoming an established nation, they did not accept the fact that white settlers were beginning to move into their designated areas. The Indians gave ground and backed off in order not to cause a disturbance, but were continually pushed out of the lands promised to them by the American government. The pollution of white people on their land caused more than just a stir over home lands; it also affected the quality of hunting on the Indians land. With more people on and around the land, there were more people to feed; naturally the Indian’s land was over hunted causing a major problem, especially for the Indians ability to provide food for their families. This especially infuriated the Indian’s because the white men were not supposed to be hunting on their given property. Finally, much of the reason for Euro- American and Indian interaction was due to the great ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 39

Marketing - Essay Example Around fifteen to twenty years back, most of the information was taken from the books in order to gain knowledge, but today knowledge is gained from the internet. All the libraries, journals, reports, and magazines can be accessed from the internet making it easy for people to get more knowledge (Muan). Another positive impact of technology on human relation is the communication, because human are able to contact each other from every part of the world which can create strong bonding between them. Apart from the technological advantages on human relations, there are many negative aspects of this advancement as well (Muan). Previously people use to coordinate with each other and discuss their issues but now, people have become more individualistic, and there is a certain distance between them. The families use to converse, argue, share joys within the members of the family, but technology has changed the human relations and now they desire to remain in their personal life that consist s of gadgets, cell phones, and internet (Muan). Every effort has its concluding point, but the advancement of technology has continued for many years, and it is expected that it will prolong in the upcoming years as well. There are many technologies that are not tested, yet but technologies that have been launched prove that it has become an integral part of humans and it is not possible for them to survive without technology. Since the role of the internet has become imperative for reaching the right target market and getting information of the clients, the role of technology in marketing has increased, and organizations now requires experts who can use and implement new technology in the marketing field (Shugan). The technology is significant for companies that are willing to apprehend their clients and building new relationships with these clients by using interacting tools. Previously, the organizations use to depend on their field persons for marketing

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

HI Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

HI - Essay Example cerning this controversial issue shows that most Americans support the death penalty, although the presence of strong opposition to it should not be ignored. It is also found that some individuals support this form of capital punishment only under certain circumstances. Each group to augment their support or opposition to death penalty usually cites several reasons. This essay aims to discuss some of the most prominent arguments usually put forth either for or against the continued application of death penalty in the countries penal laws. The main argument put forth by supporters of the death penalty is that it is a way of preventing future murders from taking place. The argument is that given that the society generally applies punishments as discouragements to would-be criminals, and that the society is highly concerned with prevention of murder, it is only prudent that the same society uses the most severe means of punishment available to deter murder. Moreover, the death penalty is considered the most efficient way of deterring future murders since people generally have a strong fear for death. In the same vein, it is not only the would-be murderers that are deterred by the death penalty, but the actual murderer is permanently ‘deterred’ from committing any further murders by being executed. Just like a robber is imprisoned to prevent him from robbing on the streets, a murderer should be killed to prevent them from committing the same crimes (Bedau and Cassel, 2004). Another line of argument in support of the death penalty posits that in a just world, taking of a life can only be penalized by a death sentence. This is because murdering somebody creates an imbalance of justice, which can only be restored through a death penalty. This is only in tandem with the religious backing on retribution, which advocates for ‘an eye for an eye’ (Kaufman, 2012). The most prominent reason that is usually cited by those calling for the abolition of the death penalty

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Charles Dickens Essay Example for Free

Charles Dickens Essay Pips childishness with his extremely lively imagination is later on in chapter 3 It was a rimy morning, and very damp. I had seen the damp lying on the outside of my little window as if some goblin had been crying there all night. And It seemed to my oppressed conscience like a phantom devoting me to the hulks. Both of these quotes show how childishly Pips imagination works. This can be compared to the opening chapter of Cider with Rosie in which Laurie Lees imagination runs away with him in a similarly childish fashion. Each blade tattooed with tiger skins of sunlight. It was knife edged, dark, and a wicked green, thick as a forest and alive with grasshoppers that chirped and chattered and leapt through the air like monkeys. These descriptive metaphors and similes are quite dark and threatening images such as some of Pips were in great expectations. Therefore both authors are showing childhood as quite a scary daunting time as well as a time when you have an active imagination. Laurie Lee has written about childhood in Cider with Rosie as he saw it because it is an autobiographical novel that describes his childhood during the war. Laurie Lee portrays his childhood and growing up with the growing up of the nation. The reason that Laurie Lee portrays this time of his life as scary and daunting is because it is also a scary and daunting time for Great Britain during the Second World War. Charles Dickens portrays childhood as a scary and hard time for his own reasons. Dickens had quite a bad childhood with his dad being in prison and himself living in the Victorian times when children were treated poorly and were worked extremely hard. Dickens wanted other people to understand the hardship that he had been through and was quite self-obsessed with his harsh childhood. He decided to tell people about this through the novels that he wrote and in the example of Great Expectations, Pip was the character that would reflect on Dickens childhood. Dickens shows Pips childhood as a time where you are extremely guilty for the things that you have done and that you are always paranoid that bad things are going to come of you because of it. Pip is almost obsessed with his guilty thoughts and fear of captivity. The theme of guilt and imprisonment often occurs in Great Expectations. These are shown in things that Pip sees and his vivid childish imagination. Part of the reason that Pip feels very guilty and that Laurie Lee does not really recall his guilt is that Pip is very much a person who has feelings and is very much a self obsessed child. Whereas Laurie Lee is more detached from his own thoughts and more interested in the world around him. This is one of the differences in the way that the two authors present childhood. Another difference in the way that the authors portray childhood is that Laurie Lee makes his childhood a beautiful childhood whereas Pips is more dark and gloomy. Lee does this in the style of his writing, which is very poetic and flowing. This is due to the fact that before Laurie Lee was a writer, he was a poet. This means that the way he portrays childhood is poetic and almost beautiful. In great expectations, however, Dickens sets gloomy scenes such as the beginning scene in the graveyard and the scenes in the marshes. Another difference is the way that guilt is portrayed along with childhood in both of the novels. Dickens shows childhood as a time when you were constantly guilty for the things you had done and the paranoia of being caught was immense. He probably had done this because as a child Dickenss father had been taken to a debtors prison because he could not afford to look after his family. This may have made Dickens feel guilty as a child and he decides to show this through Pip. A passage that shows this guilt is, It seemed to my oppressed conscience like a phantom devoting me to the hulks. This shows Pip feels guilty and is paranoid because his mind thinks that a signpost is telling him to go to prison. Laurie Lee however does not see childhood as a time of guilt but more of a carefree time where you dont have to feel guilty. A quote in chapter 3 shows this Cider with Rosie shows this, And exhaled our last guiltless days. However Laurie is not always guiltless, like pip he has a moment in the book where he felt guilty and paranoid of the consequences of his actions. This is shown in chapter 3 also, That the summons to the big room, the policemans hand on shoulder, comes almost always as a complete surprise, and for the crime that one has forgotten. Lee realises that he cannot do things such as hit people because they are of a different race. Lee is scared of the punishment that he will receive and is paranoid about when he will be found out. This is a lot like the character Pip in Great Expectations who spends his whole childhood feeling this way. This means that there is a strong link between childhood and guilt.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Human Resource Management :: Personnel Management

Human Resource Management This project is designed to show what I have learned in the Human Resource Management course. The project provides guidelines on the information I learned in class about real life scenarios. This would give me the opportunity to identify and explain all the factors that relate to organizational behavior. I intend to demonstrate my knowledge and my ability to implement the skills that I have acquired in this class. In the movie â€Å"Gladiator† Russell Crowe plays the role of the Roman general Maximus, who was betrayed by his friends and was ordered to be killed. He was able to escape death and return home, where he found his wife and son killed by the New Emperor. Maximus sought revenge, but he was captured by slave traders and was brought to the gladiator school. Once again Maximus showed great potential as an outstanding fighter and a leader. His decisions were quick, which made his spectators love him. Maximus was selected to go to the gladiator game in Rome; if he lived there, he would be granted freedom. Maximus accepted the offer and went to Rome. During the games, Maximus proved that he was a great leader and warrior—he was able to capture his spectators. The New Emperor was extremely frightened when he recognized Maximus as a potential threat. The Emperor had many enemies and with Maximus being in Rome, his situation was worsened. Maximus was going to over throw the Emp eror with the aid of Senate and the Emperor’s sister. Maximus’ army was loyal to him; they would help him avenge his family and over throw the Emperor. The plot against the Emperor failed, which lead Maximus’ face-to-face confrontation with the Emperor in the Coliseum. The Emperor stabbed Maximus before the match, which made him very weak. Despite the wounds inflicted by the Emperor, Maximus was able to defeat and kill the Emperor. Maximus too died (from his wounds) but he accomplished his goal to avenge his family. In my opinion Maximus is an extravert owing to his ability to get along with people. He had a lot of energy, and has a great deal of relationships with other characters in the movie. Throughout the movie, Maximus showed his ability to deal with people in many situations. For example, in the beginning of the movie, when he was fighting the barbarians before the battle he drove throughout his army talking to his soldiers and getting them ready.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

African-American Studies Essay

The aspect of African-American Studies is key to the lives of African-Americans and those involved with the welfare of the race. African-American Studies is the systematic and critical study of the multidimensional aspects of Black thought and practice in their current and historical unfolding (Karenga, 21). African-American Studies exposes students to the experiences of African-American people and others of African descent. It allows the promotion and sharing of the African-American culture. However, the concept of African-American Studies, like many other studies that focus on a specific group, gender, and/or creed, poses problems. Therefore, African-American Studies must overcome the obstacles in order to improve the state of being for African-Americans. According to the book, Introduction to Black Studies, by Maulana Karenga, various core principles make of the basis of African-American Studies. Some of the core principles consist of 1)history, 2)religion, 3)sociology, 4)politics, and 5)economics. The core principles serve as the thematic â€Å"glue† which holds the core subjects together. The principles assist with the expression of the African-American Studies discipline (Karenga, 27). The core principle of history is primary factor of African-American Studies. History is the struggle and record of humans in the process of humanizing the world i. e. shaping it in their own image and interests (Karenga, 70). By studying history in African-American Studies, history is allowed to be reconstructed. Reconstruction is vital, for over time, African-American history has been misleading. Similarly, the reconstruction of African-American history demands intervention not only in the academic process to redefines and reestablishes the truth of Black History, but also intervention in the social process to reshape reality in African-American images and interests and thus, self-consciously make history (Karenga, 69). African American History or Black American History, a history of African-American people in the United States from their arrival in the Americas in the Fifteenth Century until the present day. In 1996, 33. 9 million Americans, about one out of every eight people in the United States, were African-American. Although African-American from the West Indies and other areas have migrated to the United States in the Twentieth Century, most African- Americans were born in the United States, and this has been true since the early Nineteenth Century. Until the mid-20th century, the African-American population was concentrated in the Southern states. Even today, nearly half of all African-Americans live in the South. African-Americans also make up a significant part of the population in most urban areas in the eastern United States and in some mid-western and western cities as well . Africans and their descendants have been a part of the story of the Americas at least since the late 1400s. As scouts, interpreters, navigators, and military men, African-Americans were among those who first encountered Native Americans. Beginning in the colonial period, African-Americans provided most of the labor on which European settlement, development, and wealth depended, especially after European wars and diseases decimated Native Americans (http://encarta. msn. com). Thus, history plays a role in the way African-Americans have shaped the world over time. The core concept of African-American religion has always played a vital roles in the African-American life since its beginnings in Africa. Religion is defined as thought, belief, and practice concerned with the transcendent and the ultimate questions of life (Karenga, 211). The vast majority of African Americans practice some form of Protestantism. Protestantism’s relatively loose hierarchical structure, particularly in the Baptist and Methodist denominations, has allowed African Americans to create and maintain separate churches. Separate churches enabled blacks to take up positions of leadership denied to them in mainstream America. In addition to their religious role, African American churches traditionally provide political leadership and serve social welfare functions. The African Methodist Episcopal Church, the first nationwide black church in the United States, was founded by Protestant minister Richard Allen in Philadelphia in 1816. The largest African American religious denomination is the National Baptist Convention, U. S. A. , founded in 1895. A significant number of African Americans are Black Muslims. The most prominent Black Muslim group is the Nation of Islam, a religious organization founded by W. D. Fard and Elijiah Poole in 1935. Poole, who changed his name to Elijiah Muhammad, soon emerged as the leader of the Nation of Islam. Elijiah Muhammad established temples in Detroit, Chicago, and other northern cities. Today, Louis Farrakhan leads the Nation of Islam. A small number of African American Muslims worship independently of the Nation of Islam, as part of the mainstream Islamic tradition (http://encarta. msn. com). Presented with the fact that African-American religion is predominately Judeo-Christian, the tendency is to view it as â€Å"white religion in black face†. However, the rooting of the two religions varies due to the historical and social experiences (Karenga, 212). African-American over time has somewhat declined in its power. The church was once the sole basis of the community, especially to those in need. Today, this is speculated to be the link in the decline in the bonding of the African-American community. The core principle of African-American sociology integrates the various aspects and social reality from an African-American perspective. African-American sociology is defined as the critical study of the structure and functioning of the African-American community as a whole, as well as the various units and processes which compose and define it, and its relations with people and the forces external to it (Karenga, 269). African-American sociology involves the study of family, groups, institutions, views and values, relations of race, class and gender and related subjects. The African-American community, like other communities, is defined by the sharing of common space. Parts of its common space, however, are bounded areas of living, such as ghettos, which not only close African-Americans in the community, but simultaneously shuts them out from the access and opportunities available in the larger, predominately Caucasian society (Karenga, 302). The concept of isolation creates areas of poverty. Socially, isolation in ghettos prevents the cycle of diversity society, allowing prevailing stereotypes to surface. The immense concentration of African-Americans is a reason for disadvantages, such as joblessness, poverty, etc. Statistics suggest that the employment rate issue is an essential on among African-American women. The average rate of unemployment among African-American women in the 1980’s was 16% and was higher for African-American men (Giddings, 350). Thus, the concept of diversity prevents African-Americans from thriving socially. The core concept of African-American politics can be defined as the art and process of gaining,maintaining and using power (Karenga, 311). The institution of politics has played a role in the African-American community since the 15th amendment was passed, allowing African-American men the right to vote (Constitution). In order to obtain political power, however, there are eight bases: 1) key positions in government 2) voting strength 3) community control 4) economic capacity 5) community organization 6) possession of critical knowledge 7) coalition and alliance and 8) coercive capacity. In order to attain these, African-Americans must unite, for unity strengthens weak groups (African-Americans) and increases the power of others (Caucasians) (Karenga, 363). Over time, African-Americans have made substantial strides in politics. Civil rights leader Jesse Jackson, who ran for the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination in 1984 and 1988, brought exceptional support and force to African-American politics. In 1989, Virginia became the first state in U. S. history to elect an African- American governor, Douglas Wilder. In 1992, Carol Moseley-Braun of Illinois became the first African-American woman elected to the U. S. Senate. Today, Moseley-Braun is a candidate for the Presidency of the United States (Franklin, 612). There were 8,936 African-American office holders in the United States in 2000, showing a net increase of 7,467 since 1970. In 2001, there were 484 mayors and 38 members of Congress. The Congressional Black Caucus serves as a political alliance in Congress for issues relating to African- Americans. The appointment of African-Americans to high federal offices? including Colin Powell (chairman of the U.S. Armed Forces Joint Chiefs of Staff, 1989-1993; Secretary of State, 2001-present), Ron Brown (Secretary of Commerce, 1993-1996), and Supreme Court justice Clarence Thomas? also demonstrates the increasing power of African-Americans in the political arena (http://encarta. msn. com). Despite the advances of African-Americans in the political scene, the rate of voting has immensely declined compared to 40 years ago. According to statistics, less than 20% of African-Americans between the ages of 18 and 24, the most vital voting age group, voted in the last 40 years (http://www. ). African-American voting’s disappointing decline over time has become a setback in regards to power, for politics control most of the issues that concern society, such as healthcare, housing, and employment: issues that the African-American community are in need of improving. The core concept of economics is defined as the study and process of producing, distributing (or exchanging) and consuming goods and services. Economically, African-Americans have benefited from the advances made during the Civil Rights era. The racial disparity in poverty rates has narrowed to some extent. The African-American middle class has grown substantially. In 2000, 47% of African-Americans owned their homes. However, African-Americans are still underrepresented in government and employment. In 1999, median income of African American household was $27,910 compared to $44,366 of non-Hispanic Caucasians. Approximately one-fourth of the African-American population lives in poverty, a rate three times that of Caucasians. In 2000, 19. 1 % of the African-American population lived below poverty level as compared to 6. 9% of Caucasians population. The unemployment gap between African-Americans and Caucasians has grown. In 2000, the unemployment rate among African-Americans was almost twice the rate for Caucasians. The income gap between African-American and Caucasian families also continue to widen. Employed African-Americans earn only 77% of the wages of Caucasians in comparable jobs, down from 82% in 1975. In 2000, only 16. 6% of African-Americans 25 years and older earned bachelor’s or higher degrees in contrast to 28. 1% of Caucasians. Although rates of births to unwed mothers among both African-Americans and Caucasians have risen since the 1950’s, the rate of such births among African-Americans is three times the rate of Caucasians (DeBose, 1). Thus, the state of African-American economics have flourished over time, yet remains in a state of improvement. Whether one talks about poverty, incomes, jobs, etc. , all imply and necessitate the concern with economics in the African-American community (Karenga, 355). Conclucively, the possibility of problems arising towards the discipline of African-American Studies are rooted in the birth of the discipline itself (Karenga, 476). The mission of the discipline, problematic administrators, and campus opposition are examples of obstacles that often attempt to prevent the missions of African-American Studies. However, African-American Studies has continued to defend its stance over time. Thus, as long as there is an African-American culture, the quest for knowledge in the African-American studies field will remain. Works Cited DeBose,Brian. â€Å"Reclaiming the Mission†. Nov. 2002 . Franklin, John Hope. From Slavery to Freedom. Nashville, TN: McGraw-Hill, 2000. Giddings, Paula. When and Where I Enter . New York:Perrenial, 1984. Karenga, Malauna. Introduction to Black Studies. Los Angeles: University of Sankore Press ? Third Edition, 2002. http://encarta. msn. com http://www. rockthevote. com.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Discuss the major components of an academic essay,outlining the role that each component plays. Essay

An academic essay is a systematic piece of writing which has a coherent and cohesion meaning. Basically, an academic essay is mainly characterized by an introduction, the body, the conclusion and the reference as shall be discussed forth with. To begin with, an introduction as stressed by McMillan and Weyers (2010: 90) â€Å"has to be the first contact that the reader makes with the author of the text.† This, therefore means it (the introduction) has to be well organized and clear, that is, short and precise to the subject matter or the topic. In support, Cleary et al (2013: 264) writes, â€Å"The introduction is the official start of your essay and introduces your reader to the subject.† Furthermore, Gamble and Gamble (2010: 371) supports the idea of the introduction being the first to impress the subject matter or points to be stressed. They further explain that, â€Å"The functions of an introduction are to gain the attention of the audience members, to make them listen to the speech.† Just like Gamble, Payne (2001) gives an emphasis on getting the attention of the audience through introducing the subject. Payne (ibid) suggests that, the introduction has to bring about the topic, that is, highlighting the audience or the reader about the subject or topic. In addition to that, Gamble (ibid) further shows that, in the introduction one of the ultimate goals to be built is rapport. This therefore, means creating or having a mutual relation of understanding with the audience. Cleary (2013: 265) suggests that, â€Å"an introduction has to explain the title as necessary: defining terms used in the title and explains the purpose in writing the subject matter.† This means, educating the audience or reader about the topic and thereby, giving adequate information relating to the subject. In addition, McMillan (i bid) gives an emphasis on the importance of the introduction being brief and, thereby explaining of the topic context. Meaning the introduction has to be clear and making the topic being clearly understood by everyone. Pritchard (2008) also highlights on the formulation of the relation between the audiences so as to deliver the information effectively. More so, Payne (ibid), further outlines that the role of the introduction is to create focusting of the major ideas of the subject matter. Again, this creates the map of the rest of the piece of work or document or speech, giving directions and highlights of what is going to happen through the course of the writing. In support, McMillan (2010:89) suggests that, â€Å"an introduction should have an explanation of how one is going to plan to address the topic in a particular text-in effect statement on intent.† Furthermore, Cleary (2013: 265) suggests that, â€Å"an introduction has to briefly state the structure of the essay by giving the main points.† This thereby gives the reader a clear picture on the title, the purpose of writing, the focus and the essay structure writes. Furthermore, an introduction should not be too difficult to understand. The use of simple language which is widely accepted gives credibility and the use of jargons it should not be used when introducing a topic. There should not be any ambiguity when introducing a topic. After the introduction, an academic essay should have the body. This, as writes Payne (2001: 416), â€Å"Is the main portion of the speech.† This therefore, means that the use of good joints of sentences is widely encouraged. This part therefore provides all the facts, evidence, critical analysis, discussion and a well built up side line of the story or the topic. As a result, the main ideas or the gist of the topic are easily attainabl e efficiently. In addition to, McMillan et al indicates that, â€Å"This section (the body) lays out the work based on the approach which one has decided to adopt in organizing the content.† This part of the essay needs to be dealt with great care, as organizing the information is crucial. Since the idea needs proper and crucial alignment, this therefore explains the importance of a good essay structure with a good planning of words and a coherent of good words in sentence construction. Clouse (2008) asserts that, the body consists of two major parts which are the topic sentence and the supporting details. The topic sentence has to present the main topic of the paragraph and announces the paragraph’s main idea, giving a map. Also, the supporting details are the evidence details provided to demonstrate the truth about the topic sentence. In other words, the body has to explain the major points, generalizing, describing or exemplifying as part of the analysis (McMillan). In addition, these authors also allude on keeping the body part as concise and clear as possible; this thereby means the body has to have less ambiguity in it. CEES (ed.) applauds that the body part of an academic essay writing has to serve the purpose of giving evidence, examples, references which relates to the topic sentence. This as a result, gives the audience a clear and a well defined picture of what is being meant by the topic sentence in play. In addition, CEES ibid points out that, th e body presents the topic sentence or the central idea supporting the thesis  statement or line of argument. In line with Cleary (2013: 135-136), paragraphs should be well constructed and of meaning and this is when sentences are arranged in such a way that they link to one another giving clarity to the reader. Such coherence can be achieved by arranging the sentences in the sequence that will best communicate the message to the reader through the inclusion of signpost words or signals which guides the reader. Also, a smooth flow of ideas makes the essay much more interesting, that is, cohesive meaning of the thoughts or ideas pertaining to the topic being discussed. Again, this uses transitions between paragraphs in order to ensure a perfect flow of ideas. However, the conclusion in an essay serves the purpose of summarizing the presentation. More so, McMillan (91) defines a conclusion as a summary of the whole piece of work. Therefore, a good conclusion has to present and clarify what has been discussed, evaluated, analyzed, and stated in the master piece (the body) party of the essay. Furthermore, Redman (2006) gives an emphasis that, proper conclusions has to revisit the key points or the main points of one’s argument, summarizing the key debates raised and try to fuse them. Therefore, the conclusion should provide a condensed version of the essay’s core argument, and restating the writer’s position in essay. Also, Cleary ibid purports that, in the conclusion, ideas not mentioned before should not be introduced as this thereby changes the focus of the conclusion. Payne ibid (2001: 424), indicates that, â€Å"Conclusion is the summarizing of the major ideas.† One does not have to review everything said in the speech, but a short piece reminds the audience of what is important. The conclusion has to serve the purpose of clarifying the issues or ideas one has just discussed. In addition to that, Cleary ibid says, â€Å"The component of a conclusion is to serve as a summary of the main points, usually referring to the thesis statement.† Besides serving as a summary, a good conclusion should be used to heighten the impact of the presentation writes Gamble (2010: 374). The conclusion must be a synthetic summary which therefore provides a platform of mutual understanding. Furthermore, it must grace the piece of work in such a manner that the major audience notes the major points or ideas of the summary as a whole (Payne). This means, a good conclusion has to be justified for recommendations. Again, a conclusion should be short, clarifying and emphasizing on the main topic of the writing, or the subject matter. Therefore, this acts as a tool in making the presentation of the rest of the topic to be well remembered through a bracing conclusion (Payne ibid). To embrace more on a good academic essay, references should be made so as to applaud the works of others (A2Z Essay). Cleary ibid (2013: 361) defines, â€Å"Referencing as a standardized method of acknowledging printed or electronic sources of information and idea that one have used in the essay, in a way that uniquely identifies their source.† Furthermore, referencing is an act of back acknowledging the works of others in any borrowed fact so as to keep the works of others safe from any plagiarism claims (A2Z). Simply put, referencing is necessary to avoid plagiarism; to enable readers to verify quotations; and to enable readers to follow up and read more fully cited author’s argument or research. On another note, reference gives proof that allows the readers or audiences to consult the source in case of confusion or furthe r discussions. Again, references acts as an assessment tool in the sense that it requires one to find reliability of the sources of the text, similarities and differences among the sources and making connection between the details (

Friday, November 8, 2019

buy custom World of Contracts essay

buy custom World of Contracts essay A contract is a lawfully binding bargain that exists between two or more persons, institutions, parties or organizations (Blum, 2011). This may involve an agreement for employment, order of goods, buying a house among others. The promises reached by the parties involved outline the rights and commitments of the contractual parties. Contracts are enforceable in law by the courts, and in case either of the parties breaches part of, or all contractual obligations, the non-breaching party is entitled to receive remedies through the courts (Blum, 2011). The Essential Elements of a Contract Offer; this is a statement of willingness or any other indication that the individual or party is ready to enter into a contract with another party on particular terms. The offer must be conveyed in a way that promotes acceptance, without any other conditions required of the person other than to show acceptance (Chadman, 2009). The accepting person must understand that his assent of the offer completes the contract and there is no contract without offer. Acceptance; acceptance of an offer is the indication by the party receiving the offer that the offer is welcomed. It is the show of assent to the bargain under the terms thereof made by the person offering as they are, without altering any of the terms. Any change of the proposed terms leads to a rejection of the whole offer and amounts into a counteroffer, which must be acknowledged by the other party. Equally, the acceptance must be done before it expires, unless the offer is renewed (Emanuel, 2006). Legal purpose; this is very essential element that requires that a contract can only exist if its objective is for a legal purpose or activity. Any contract must not involve an activity that contravenes the laws of the land. For example, a contract that involves illegal distribution of narcotic drugs is considered not binding, because its tenacity and intention is illegal. Mutuality of obligation; this element refers to the mutual understanding of the parties and their assent to the expression of their agreement. The contract parties must approve to the same course, in the same mind and time. The understanding of the agreement is based on the objective standards set by the parties, but not on the unexpressed subjective intention (Blum, 2011). Determination of the presence of the mutual assent can be proved by the court, through analysis of the communications exchanged between the parties and further the actions and situatons surrounding these communications. Any inconsistency of thoughts concerning the contract by either party necessitates no contract. This is because, for contract to be enforceable in future without challenge, the parties must fully agree on the vital terms of the contract and the mutual understanding between the parties must not diverge materially from the original offer, a fact that is open to legal challenge (Chadman, 2009). Certainty of subject matter; this element stipulates that a contract is legally binding only if its terms are adequately defined to facilitate clear understanding of the obligation by the court in case of a dispute , and for the court to enforce the contract. The agreement must be in simple and easy language that is easy to interpret with very certain intentions. The regulations concerning uncertainty of material terms of a contract are dependent on the idea that a party cannot enter into an agreement unless the terms of that contract are substantially certain. In case some terms that are relevant in such a contract are omitted, the courts usually have implied terms that are employed to maintain enforceability of the contract and sustain the agreement by providing the missing terms, should there be a legal challenge. Consideration; thisis also an essential element of a valid contract where only the parties needs to review whether or not it is a good bargain to their satisfaction. The law necessitates that there be adequate consideration by giving something of value to the promisor, to prove the commitment, and should not be anything promised or given in the past. This may be in form of a right, interest, or benefit that one party is entitled to, or instead; forbearance, or obligation that is assumed by the other party. Competent Parties; a contract must be between parties who are competent and authorized by law for it to be legally binding. For example, an agreement between a child and an adult on purchase of land may not be binding but considered exploitative. Remedies In Case of a Breach Whenever a contract is breached by either of the contractual parties, the non-breaching person has a legal right to claim for the damages incurred as a result of the breach. This can also be an award of money, envisioned to compensate the party for the forfeiture of the bargain (Blum, 2011). The remedies include; Compensatory damages; these are remediess that restore the value of the bargain to the non-breaching party and ensures that the person remains in the same position as if the contract had been fully executed. The amount to be awarded for breach depends on the type of contract involved and which party broke the contract. The non-breaching party has a legal right to demand for compensation of the damages from the breaching party Liquidated damages; these are damages agreed on by the parties in advance, to be paid in case the contract is breached by either party. This is lawful, only if the actual damages are difficult or impracticable to define, and the liquidated amount must be realistic and reasonable in such situations. This is commonly preferred by businesses in their commercial contracts, since it helps to provide certainty, evade lawsuits, and gives an incentive to people to sign contracts (Chadman, 2009). Consequential damages; these are damages that are foreseeable by the breaching party arising from circumstances outside the bargain. This type of damage can be executed if the breaching party is aware or is perceived to be aware that the breach will inflict distinct damages to the other party. Nominal damage; this occurs when the non-breaching party sues the other party even though no financial loss has been incurred and is normally awarded in a small amount. The non-breaching party can also rescind the contract and recover restitution. Rescission is a move to undo, or cancel a bargain, to return the non-breaching parties to the state they were in before the transaction. This is an option pursued in case of duress, fraud, mistake, or failure of consideration in the subsequent levels (Emanuel, 2006). The rescinding party must issue immediate notice to the breaching party and return to each other all the items such as goods, property and money previously issued. Conclusion Contracts exist all over the world and are lawfully binding agreements between two or more parties, which are enforceable by law through the courts. Agreements must comprise all the essential elements to make up a contract. These elements include; presence of an offer, acceptance of an offer, legal purpose of the agreement, mutual obligation, and certainty of the subject matter. It also involves consideration whether the deal is a good bargain and competence of the party involved (Chadman, 2009). Non-breaching parties have legal rights to claim damages from the breaching party for the injuries caused. Buy custom World of Contracts essay

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Writing an Exemplary Statement Of Purpose

Writing an Exemplary Statement Of Purpose When applying to college, many students are asked to submit a statement of purpose. Similar to the personal statement essay, the statement of purpose is a two page composition that students must write and submit with their application form. Statements of purpose allow students to demonstrate their writing abilities and give admission board members the chance to get to know their applicants. The reason that statements of purpose are so important in the application process is because they represent the factor over which students have complete and immediate control. Lets say, for instance, that your test scores and/or grades arent that exemplary. Obviously, you cannot go back and change your academic history. What you can do, however, is draw the admission councils attention away from your below average grades with an above average statement of purpose. The statement of purpose is your one and only chance to speak directly to the university admissions board members and convince them that you are an excellent candidate for their school. When writing your statement essay, make sure that your voice is heard loud and clear. Be passionate, be enthusiastic, be reasonable, and above all be creative. Statements of purpose are some of the most complicated papers to write. If you would like help writing your statement essay or if you would like some tips on how to compose quality college admission essays, please dont hesitate to contact me. As someone who has written several statements of purpose for a variety of different schools, I believe that I am more than qualified to assist you.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology - Essay Example The extensive shoreline in Greece, which comprises of gulfs such as the one of Corinth and Thessalonica, which extends towards the sea, provides a connection as a means of communication with the adjacent areas. This also has enabled the interior provinces of the Balkans to contribute to the cultural facilities in the Mediterranean (Smith & Anthon 990). The sea also posed as a source of concern on security matters. The seaborne right of entry from the north, west, and south through the Black sea instilled Greece, Peloponnese prone to attack, and disarticulation (Larned & Reilly 1010). The Greece position on the Mediterranean Sea played a momentous role in modifying the climatic conditions thus making its population practice terrace agriculture. The sea also provided a secure environment for trading, making it a rich hub for trading grapes and olives (Larned & Reilly 1010). The presence of the mountains played a significant role in Greek mythology. The myths in the ancient served to unveil how the world was formed and manipulated. The Greeks believed that the primary gods made of Twelve Gods, or dodekatheon resided in mount Olympus (Smith & Anthon 990). Smith, William & Anthon, Charles. .A new classical dictionary of Greek and Roman biography, mythology, and geography: Partly based upon the Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology. Chicago, CA: Chicago University Press, 1850, 976-1030.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Chapter 5 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Chapter 5 - Assignment Example Nordstrom’s success largely comes from its customer service focus, but as shoppers move to a more virtual shopping experience, Nordstrom’s advantage in this area will be negated somewhat. Nordstrom’s biggest competitors will come from the online shopping industry. 1. Tesco has already established itself as the market leader in the United Kingdom, so there is not much more improvement on offer there. Of course, Tesco will still continue to add customers, but at a much slower rate than previous years. One area that Tesco could look at is opening stores in poorer countries such as Bangladesh, Ethiopia, and Bolivia, to name a few. Shoppers in these countries do not have the same disposable income as westerners do, so Tesco would have to target these poorer countries will non-conventional methods. 2. Tesco can take its customer loyalty programs to the next level by offering it to children of parents who are already Tesco customers. This way, Tesco can gain a customer early in life and will have a lifetime of spending habits from which to work